Thursday 5 December 2013

Facing Your Giants: Control

In Control

If there is one thing I've learned a lot right now in my relationship with God it’s that His timing is perfect.
For the longest of time I felt like I always needed to be in control. I needed to have all my plans organized and when something didn't go according to my plans (even the smallest of things) I became devastated and so easily stressed. Most times I even got angry because I had spent so much time and effort into perfecting all of those plans and in one instant they were ruined! I was so sick and tired of things not happening according to the way i wanted them to. Because I felt that if I had all the control I would be happy because everything would go the way I wanted it to. But because most of my plans failed I became wildly unhappy.

We all think we know what's best for us based on what makes us happy and that is true, but only to an extent. Most often than not, a lot of these things that may make us happy end up leaving us feeling unsatisfied..

Do you know what I mean? Like or example  when you go out and you feel like that Big Mac is going to be so amazing and your mouth like waters a bit at the thought (careful you may be drooling at this point).
Then you eat it and yeah it feels so good while eating it but as soon as you finish that last bite and wait a few minutes it just sits there like a rock in your stomach and you pretty much feel like crap for a few hours and not to mention get really bad gas for a week. 
We all have those times where we feel like we know what’s best for us so we push the idea of God's plans out of the way and take life into our own hands. Most of the time the results we get leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied. There is a big difference between thinking what we know is best for us and actually knowing what is best for us. Now I’m not talking about sins, I’m just talking about how some of us like to be in control of where we are heading. 

In one of my favorite movies The Matrix there is a scene between the two main characters and it goes a little like this:

Morpheus: "Do you believe in fate Neo?"
Neo: "No because I don't like the idea of not having control of my future."

Many of us are like Neo in the same respect where we want to be in control of what happens in our lives. Yet really if we even tried to have that control we would all have some serious anxiety issues every time something fell out of order according to our desires.

That is why God is here. He is here to take that burden of control off our shoulders so that we don't all have major stress levels or anxiety issues. Instead God has control so that we can do his work and not have to worry about what happens next.
"Cast all your anxiety on him, for because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
God has our best interests in his heart and he has already mapped out an amazing journey for each and every one of us. It's just a matter of letting go of that sense of control and letting God direct you the way you're supposed to go.

I'm just saying this upfront and as bluntly as I can. It isn't going to be easy to go where God calls us to; in fact most times you'll want to run away from most of his plans for you. Jonah did when God was calling him to go and do his work in a very scary place. Instead Jonah hopped on the next ship that was heading in the complete opposite direction. But God will always call you back, just as he did for Jonah. Even if you don't want to do what he is asking of you or go where he is leading you to go, do it anyway! Because I guarantee you will be complete satisfied..

It’s hard to believe at first, when God is calling us, guiding us into a future we may not even think we could handle, but God has great plans for you. You just have to let go and trust him. The biggest part of faith is to Have Faith in what God has planned for you. 

So let go of control for a while and just let God guide you anywhere and everywhere. You'd be pretty amazed at the things you’re capable of once you let God show you.

You may feel overwhelmed even with how perfect things seem when you let God take total control. Everything seems to fall into place at just the right time. Try giving faith in God plans for you a try, and you'll find that everything seems a lot less stressful and a little more heavenly.

Written by : Angelica Anderson\
Photo by : Kaleigh Dyck